Friday, May 31, 2013

Weight loss top #2: track it

After reading about awareness, tip number 1, you think, ya, so? Now what?

One very effective behavior is to track the food you eat; the ultimate awareness tool, right? Likely how weight watchers is so effective: the tracking.

In the confusing world of dieting, we are left wondering what should we eat? There are a million "diets," which do you choose?

What if you abandon the idea of a diet? What does your body need versus want? What foods make you feel good? Bad?

I like the livestrong app my plate calorie tracker. There are many app's for that--calorie tracking that is. Pick one. Plus, the livestrong app lets you select the number of pounds you want to lose and gives you a target calorie range.

I've been to weight watchers, like millions of others, and you know when you are falling off the wagon when you quit tracking!

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